Thursday, April 15, 2010

$60 Million Stadium

I was passed this article about some place in Bumble, Texas building a 60 million dollar stadium. OK, no problem… maybe for a AAA baseball team? Or maybe it’s for some super duper monster truck races? No, it’s for a HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL team?!??! Whaaaaaat???

One of my favorite lines in the article is:
The stadium was part of a larger $120 million bond package passed in May 2009 that included nearly as much money for a state-of-the-art auditorium for performing arts.

I think they are mistaking the “performing arts” auditorium for the beer tent they’re going to put up right next to the High School stadium. They can be just like the Dallas Cowgirls stadium that has the redneck drunk tent right next to the stadium.

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