Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's Scary to be a Caps Fan

I am not a big hockey fan. I rank it right up there with basketball, watching golf on tv, and cricket. That being said, I have been 'interested' enough in the Washington Capitals this year to actually watch a few minutes of last nights 4-1 loss to the Montreal Canadians.

I have listened to the Sports Junkies and they talk about the Caps, not to mention, I also watched the Olympic hockey a few months ago. The Caps fans were all for the Russians (Ovechkin and Semin) and against the Canadians (because a guy they call Cindy Crosby plays for them). I even watched the Gold Metal game, which was USA vs. Canada. Wouldn't you know it? That Canadian guy scored the winning goal in OT, so I started to call him Cindy Crosby too!

I have a friend who said, "If I was sitting here (in the living room) and a hockey game broke out. I would go upstairs to bed." That's how much he likes hockey. Of course, I would have rather been watching Jonathan Sanchez vs. Roy "Doc" Hallady, especially when the Giants beat his ass!

Anyway, I am not a Hockey Hater as my friend is so that's why I'm writing this blurb.
I do like the Capitals since Ted Leonsis owns them, and I used to hang with Fat Ted back in the days of AOL.

But the simple truth is that Washington sports is in shambles! Sports here is a joke! The Deadskins suck! They have 3 washed up running backs and a washed up QB. The Nat-in-als are a laughing stock. They'd be just as bad as the Orioles if they had teams like the Yankees, Redsox and DevilDogs in their division. The Washington Bullets way suck! They should TOTALLY be called the bullets after Gilbert's gun stuff! And then there are the Capitals.

These guys were great last year and choked in the playoffs. This year they are well on their way to laying a big ol' egg. Now, typically I would be rooting against Washington teams and laughing! But this time I am actually rooting for them to win! Amazing, right?

If they did lose that would be a gigantic choke. You'd be spelling choke with a "W" ... this is an 8 seed beating a 1 seed! I am entertained by all the talk radio people FREAKING out! HA HA HA and I have a few Caps fans I have to talk with to see if they are freaking out too! Most of 'em are saying the Caps are going to lose. You'd think they were pre-2003 Red Sox fans!

Well, we will have to see. Game 7 is on Wednesday night!

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