Monday, April 19, 2010

Nut Tree Health Mix

I get alerts on Foods that have been recalled. Most of them are processed yuck foods like some Hormel processed meat garbage. Sometimes fruits picked from converted cow fields get recalled because of E.Coli .... but today's recall is funny: "Nut Tree Health Mix"

You would not expect THAT to get recalled. Sounds all granola-ee, healthy and foo foo to me. Anyway, this Bark Mix was recalled because it could kill you if you have allergic reactions to sulfites. For those of you who do not know, I'll give a quick lesson:

Sulfites contain one sulfur atom bonded to three oxygen atoms (SO3). The compound mostly appears in the form of a salt. This compound is used mostly for preservatives. Manufacturers use sulfites to preserve dried fruit, for example.

Sulfites normally occur in wine but can also be added as a preservative. Without sulfur, wine would tun into vinegar. Sweet wines, like my favorite Moscato d'Oro, contain more sulfites than dry wines. White wines contain more sulfites than red wines. Sulfites have caused headaches in people who have an adverse reaction to drinking wine. Too bad for them!

Read your label... sulfites may be masquerading as:
Sulfur dioxide, Potassium bisulfite or potassium metabisulfite, Sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite or sodium sulfite.

Symptoms may include breathing issues within minutes after eating a food containing it, or migraines. People with asthema are more susecptible, and people who cannot take asparine.

So, back to the Nut Tree Health Mix ... the recall is because they had sulfites in the mix and it wasn't declared. I suppose they were using the sulfites as a preservative. I wonder what they do with all the packages? Thow them in the dumpster or do they give them to people they see hugging trees and wearing Birkenstocks? HA HA HA.

If anyone has a photo of "Nut Tree Health Mix" please send it along!

Here's the actual recall notice:

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker today alerted consumers that Green Land, 212-03 48th Avenue, Oakland Garden, New York 11364, is voluntarily recalling "Nut Tree Health Mix" due to the presence of undeclared sulfites. People who have severe sensitivity to sulfites may run the risk of serious or life-threatening reactions if they consume this product.

  • Company: Green Land (Oakland Garden, NY)
  • Products: Nut Tree Health Mix
  • Distributed: Distributed in the metropolitan New York area
  • Why: Undeclared sulfites
  • Illnesses reported: None

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