Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today was a good day

"Today was a good day."

How many times can you start a blog post with those magical words? First of all, it looks like iDonate World Wide is getting off the ground. For those of you who do not know, there will soon be an iPhone Application that allows you to donate to various charities around the world. The donations will not only be for the big guys (Red Cross, United Way) but for local churches and other organizations that do not have the technical savvy or reach to increase their donations via new technologies. We are about two weeks away from launch.

Secondly, it appears that a program called “For Your Brain” will be an up-and-coming force for seniors (and anyone else thinking the ol' memory is going – including me!) We are currently running a pilot program at Potomac Green, and I am the defacto trainer – I guess my years of Security Awareness TAV! training qualify me for this. Anyway, I got the best complement that any trainer (or program) can get … a woman said she was very impressed with the class because she went to her granddaughters baby shower and kicked ass in some of the word jumbles/word search puzzles that were run. She beat out most of the yunnings. I need to mention that this is only after she attended 4 sessions.

Thirdly, I am off to Las Vegas for a week. Yes, a business trip to “bring home the pork” but also a get together with JIMBO and DAVEELLIS. A great opportunity to get back on the felt and test out some of my new theories in tourneys and cash games, and enjoy some Manhattans. I think I should take down the Harrah's tourney to unseat K as “Best Poker Player” in the family. Speaking of K, I have to give her a shout out. I'm here this week in Vegas to celebrate DAVEELLIS' 40th Birthday (yeah, what a geezer!) and K had no worries with it. Well, normally she wouldn't anyway about a trip to Vegas, but this weekend contains March 18th – our wedding anniversary. She had no problem with me here on the 18th and us celebrating when I return. But like with most things, I have something up my sleeve for the 18th. Stay tuned, for anyone that cares!

Fourth, on the plane right now. Smooth flight AND drink certificates from Southwest! I ordered two bourbon (prolly Jack) and DCs and used my drink certs. A third would be a good exclamation point! So, I dig in my bag for another drink cert but unfortunately I packed my others in the suitcase! ARG! As I put my bag down I look up. Flight attendant has a bourbon and DC in her hand and says, “Do you want this one? We had a mis-pour.” Oh no! I have to take one for the team.

See, good stuff happening. I believe a tourney “taken down” is in my future here.

Plus, today was the first day that I got into the car and it was too hot, and I needed to roll the windows down. My peeps in California don't know what I'm talking about – but you East Coasterners do! This is when you know Winter is OVER and Spring is here!

Well, that's it for now. I'll ship a couple posts of the goings on here. As I said, and I will quote myself, “Today was a good day.”


Melanie K said...

I think you've mis-titled this. Because it looks like, for you, today was a GREAT day. Fantastic, even :) Have a great trip!

Mr. Clove said...

Yes indeed, Melanie! Also, two days later I came in 4th in this poker tourney... so, was a good trip all around!