Wednesday, December 2, 2009


A suggestion from a Facebook friend got me thinking and inspired this blog post:

Melanie Kriese has a general request for drivers: when you see a police car that has already pulled someone over and is already out of the car, please do not slam on the brakes and drop below the speed limit. Some of us did not add "ambulance ride" to our calendars. Thank you.

That is true. What I do is actually speed up when I see this, figuring that there probably aren't any cops in a 2-3 mile area, since that one is preoccupied!

Other driver observations I have made:

1. Jackass in the fast lane going under the speed limit and when you go to pass him on the RIGHT he floors it and start to speed up! ARRRGGGG! That is when you need the tail-mounted cannon - to blast him away once you pass him.

2. People who sit on an on ramp to the freeway - especially on major freeways - need to be blasted into non-existence.

3. People who do not flash opposite traffic when they see the "Po Po" hiding, waiting to ticket drivers on the other side of the road should be made to pay everyone's speeding tickets for a day. I make sure I warn on coming drivers... you should too. Maybe if the money grubbing towns get less and less revenue this way - they will have to move the cop from being a worthless traffic bitch to a law enforcement officer that is assigned to fight REAL crime.

4. I will go over my "three strike" theory in another post. But the general idea is that certain drivers should be banned from the road. I would be less likely to suspend a person's license for speeding versus going too slow. It are the slowskis, the clueless oldsters not paying attention, or teenage punks that drives like a Rio De Janeiro cab drivers that cause the accidents. I'd rather drive with some people blowing a .10 than some of the previously mentioned groups of people.

Anyway, that's my take on driving. Remember to flick your lights next time you see the Po Po setting a speed trap!!!

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