Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Decade this ... decade that!

We are at that time of the decade to name - "blank of the decade" this and "blank of the decade that."

I'll give it a shot:

1. Best Sports team of the decade
You have to select the New England Patriots. Only because they went to 4 Superbowls and won 3 of them. They also went undefeated in the 2007 regular season. I'd have named the Boston Red Sox for Jimbo, for the simple fact that they won 2 World Series this decade and had none in almost the previous 100 years!

2. Best Football Player of the Decade
Payton Manning. Enough said, just look at the guy's numbers.
Ray Lewis is a close second and in addition he, like OJ, got away with murder!

3. Best Baseball Player of the Decade
Barry Bonds. Not cause I'm a homer (get it!) but because I say, "Steroids Scheroids."
Most all baseball players and other athletes (Tiger Woods - just came out!) were on HGH or juice. But unlike football - by getting stronger you won't necessarily be able to hit a baseball. I can take all the steroids and goats blood (Romonowski reference) in the world - I'd still hit .009 and that would be against 67 year old Jessie Orosco! How about Marvin Benard and Randy Velardi - they were both on 'roids but they sucked!!!

4. Best Hockey Team of the Decade
Who cares!

5. Best Basketball Team of the Decade
The George Mason Patriots in 2006. Those dudes went to the FINAL FOUR!
Better excitement than any Pro team can generate!


1. Best movie
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
This one was the best out of the three, except for the ending that went on and on and on and on and on forever! Even if you don't "like faries and stuff" you'd like this movie. It's about a quest and lots of cool special effects!

2. Best TV Show
Without a doubt - hands down - DEADWOOD. Every character from Al Swearigen to Mr. Woo were awesome. The storyline was brilliant and the "realism" very "Western." The best commedy is a tie between Arrested Development and The Office. "Gob" riding around on his segway while his mom tries to run him over is just as great as Michael Scott's incompetence when he asks the guy in the wheelchair, "How long does it take you to brush your teeth?!?!" Honerable mentions that also dominated the 2000s: L O S T, Sopranos, and Battlestar Galatica (the new school one, not the A-Team's FACE one!)

3. Best Song
Hollaback Girl (Gwen Steffani)
Yeah and if you have anything to say about this ... all I have to say, is "I am no hollaback girl."

4. Music Artist
Tony Bennett
Tony reinvented himself and launched a mega-monay platinum album in 2006. The guy is in his 80s and he is still the mac daddy. My vote goes to him for the 60s, 70s, and 90s. Huey Lewis for the 80s!

5. Best Saying
"I'm the decider" : President George W. Bush, April 18, 2006.
This beats out "That's Hot" by about 1 million votes (said in 1990s Dr. Evil voice)
And for those of you who don't think he said it - he actually did. In 2006, he was defending Donald Rumsfield. The full quote being:
"I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best.
I like to use this quote all the time. "I want to go to iHop to eat breakfast because I am the decider!" or "Ifthe decider says so I is decided!"
A close second for you poker-philes is Crybaby Phil's (Mr. Phil Helmuth) best quote ever, "I dodge bullets, baby!" ESPN caught the action where Phil folded Kings to a guy who had aces and he yells this quote across the poker room. Priceless!


I'd post quite a few items here, but most of the "Best of 2000 ..." lists I have seen are concentrating on news items. I believe that one item more than any other is most important to post. I think you know which that would be. 9-11.

The second most important news event has to be the Election of 2000. Where the Supreme Court declared GW Bush the winner of the election. Who knows how things would have been different had San Francisco 49er running back Al Gore had been elected President? Would he have acted the same way as Bush did after 9-11? How would things have been different?

Well, 9-11, is still the most important news item. Think about this, if 9-11 had never happened, then:

- The economic collapse would never have happened, since we would not have had to waste hundreds of billions on Iraq and Afghanistan.
- You would not have "War on Terra" in your vocabulary.
- There would be no DHS, Patriot Act, or passports required to enter Canada.
- You'd be able to take mouthwash, water, and scissors (and box cutters) on an airplane.
- You'd only see a couple hundred FDNY and NYPD hats, instead of a couple million.
- More than likely all these people would still be alive: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/fallen/ Yes, that's the list of all men and women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And finally, The World Trade Centers would still be a tourist destination based on the buildings not the memorials.

The most important scientific event happened at the beginning of the decade:
First Successful Cloned Piglets.
On March 5, 2000 in Blacksburg, VA five healthy female pigs were cloned from adult pigs cells. The first time this happened in a species similar to that of humans. Previously cows and sheep (Dolly) had been cloned. This opened up much debate about cloning, funding of cloning, etc. over the next decade.

This is just a little-teeeeny-small-mini write up of Decade This stuff.
Post to the comments area and add any you would like... especially if
you are a hockey fan!

Happy New Year!

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