Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bug Guy

This is hilarious! I had to post this...

A friend of mine used to be a Dale Gribble -- meaning a bug killing guy, or known as "exterminator" in the professional circles. He exterminated all sorts of bugs. I was emailing with him the other day and he let rip with the following:

"Actually the bug guys are not paranoid it is the customer, they are scary group of folks that hide it from society. The bug guys are chemical freaks that love to kill and experiment and hide in their trucks and scam customers :) My funniest customers are the Catholics that HATE anything with more than two legs and you are out there spraying St. Francis down in the garden....protector of the animal kingdom."

Dale Gribble meet St. Francis

That is the most awesome picture - a Dale Gribble spraying a St. Francis statue with bug spray!
I suppose you can say that insects should not be part of the animal kingdom. I really hate insects but they serve a very good purpose in the "Circle of Life."

I am waiting to see my ex-bug-killing buddy in a few years to see if his genetic mutations have given him an extra finger or head!

Stay Tuned.

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