Monday, May 3, 2010


I recently found the following website called, As they say in Boston (or if you're Shibon Magnus) it is a wicked cool site. This is from their website: is your nonpartisan guide to money’s influence on U.S. elections and public policy. Whether you’re a voter, journalist, activist, student or interested citizen, use our free site to shine light on your government. Count cash and make change.


See, the problem why there is not a third party (Nationally) is cash. A third party will need to compete with the Dems and Repubs to get cash from these companies. In local government elections, where you do not have corporations "buying" and controlling elections because they don't care, as a result there are a lot more Independents and Libertarians elected.

Most people are like sheep and they blindly follow media ads (or media outlets) that tell them who to vote for, or they simply vote their party because that is what they have always done. This is the problem.

As it turns out, most corporations donate to BOTH sides. The Dems and Repubs really are almost the same, they just move taxpayer money to one side or another. They love to spend spend spend and enact rules and laws to impede on society!

Check out who is giving money to these congress people.
When you get fed up: Vote Libertarian!

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