Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NYC Almost-Bombing

Did you hear? They caught that idiot terrorist that was trying to blow up his SUV in downtown New York City (near Times Square). That’s great. How you spare us the trial and blow him up in a car!

Anyway, we are very fortunate that these knuckleheads are so very, very, very stupid!!!! They caught him because he bought a ticket to Dubai in CASH on the SAME DAY he was trying to fly out! Hmmm, that’s normal, NOT. What a moron. That’s good, though, because if he booked his flight through normal methods (credit card), to a NON-ARAB country (like Spain), booked a month early, and left on the same day he planned to blow up that SUV – he would have easily got away. Amazing.

I suppose that is why most of these idiots get caught.

Did you hear about the morons who were planning to blow up a building in DC. Well, they got caught because the FBI was notified when a Walmart photo processing employee, who was converting a video tape to a DVD, noticed these dummies were yelling about jihad, death to the great Satan, and were waving around AK-47s. That is pretty bad when you get busted by some teen age flunkey.

How the crackpots pulled off 9-11 still baffles me. I suppose they got lucky by taking flying lessons from another idiot that thought, “Gee, I guess it is normal that they don’t care to learn how to take-off or land the plane. They just want to know how to fly it once it is in the air.” Yeah, normal. Charge THAT GUY with stupidity! Oh and did I mention, they could hardly speak English!

Anyway, Leno can add this guy to his Stupid Criminal bit!

Here’s an article about that idiot:


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