Friday, March 28, 2008

The Courses Come Together

Here is a look at the yummy garlic soup cooking away:

The next "courses" were Roasted Garlic and Fried Garlic Chips.
The garlic chips were very good - they'd maybe even kick Bobby Fray's butt if he threw down on me! We came to the conclusion we could eat the whole 3 pounds of garlic as garlic chips, with lots of booze, of course!

Roasted Garlic:

Garlic Chips:

To add further to the health impact of this endeavor, we needed a veggie. What better way to celebrate a garlic veggie than cook it up with green beans!

Garlic Green Beans:

Guess what the first course was? I'll give you a hint... a cocktail.
Garlic Martinis! Garlic infused vodka, with a waive of the vermouth cork and garnished with two cloves of garlic. Tasteeeee!

Garlic Martinis:

What garlic challenge would not be complete without garlic fries! Made famous by Gordon Beirsch and served at PAC BELL PARK (yes, I will forever call it that)... fries with tons of crushed garlic on them is the ticket.

Garlic Fries:

Here's some pictures of the various items cooking away:

That roasted garlic shooor smells good:

Garlic Toast:

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