Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3 Pounds of Garlic - Two People

Can two people eat three pounds of garlic for dinner?

That was the question.

After checking to make sure excessive garlic doesn't cause some kind of adverse biochemical reaction that will result in a coma, we set out to test the above hypothesis. Actually, after many google searches, the only adverse reaction to this much garlic is that people (and vampires) will avoid you.... and you will have more gas than the Shell station across the street.

The trick was figuring out ways to get this much garlic in tasty dishes, but not to have so much food that we'd be stuffed. So I came up with the following:

Garlic Martini
Roasted Garlic on Toast
Garlic Soup
Garlic Chicken
Garlic Green Beans
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Garlic French Fries

Each type of meal was served very small. Most of it fit on one dinner plate and the soup in a soup bowl.

The next few entries will show the cooking and the final platter and results, of course!!!!!!

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