Friday, March 28, 2008

Three Pounds O' Garlic Bon Appitite

This is what three pounds of garlic looks like in meal form:

I finished all of my 1.5 pounds of garlic:

Unfortunately, my cohort in garlic was unable to eat his soup:

The Courses Come Together

Here is a look at the yummy garlic soup cooking away:

The next "courses" were Roasted Garlic and Fried Garlic Chips.
The garlic chips were very good - they'd maybe even kick Bobby Fray's butt if he threw down on me! We came to the conclusion we could eat the whole 3 pounds of garlic as garlic chips, with lots of booze, of course!

Roasted Garlic:

Garlic Chips:

To add further to the health impact of this endeavor, we needed a veggie. What better way to celebrate a garlic veggie than cook it up with green beans!

Garlic Green Beans:

Guess what the first course was? I'll give you a hint... a cocktail.
Garlic Martinis! Garlic infused vodka, with a waive of the vermouth cork and garnished with two cloves of garlic. Tasteeeee!

Garlic Martinis:

What garlic challenge would not be complete without garlic fries! Made famous by Gordon Beirsch and served at PAC BELL PARK (yes, I will forever call it that)... fries with tons of crushed garlic on them is the ticket.

Garlic Fries:

Here's some pictures of the various items cooking away:

That roasted garlic shooor smells good:

Garlic Toast:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Garlic Soup

This is a secret (famous) garlic soup recipe. It took the most preparation.

To give you an idea of how much garlic we're talking about ...
I increased the amount of garlic by 533% !!!

This is how much garlic it used up:

Almost 1/2 of the garlic!

The Most Important Cooking Tool

This garlic crusher was the most important tool for "3lb Garlic Fest."

It was used for a variety of the meals. The garlic chicken, green beans, and fries all had a large amount of crushed garlic. If you ever been to a Giants game at Pac Bell Park - you'd probably smelled the garlic fries at Gordon Beirsch! These fries were just as good - and even MORE garlicy!

Here's the crusher in action:

The most time consuming course was the Garlic soup. The soup took about 2-3 hours to prepare. The rest of the menu would be very quick to prepare!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3 Pounds of Garlic - Two People

Can two people eat three pounds of garlic for dinner?

That was the question.

After checking to make sure excessive garlic doesn't cause some kind of adverse biochemical reaction that will result in a coma, we set out to test the above hypothesis. Actually, after many google searches, the only adverse reaction to this much garlic is that people (and vampires) will avoid you.... and you will have more gas than the Shell station across the street.

The trick was figuring out ways to get this much garlic in tasty dishes, but not to have so much food that we'd be stuffed. So I came up with the following:

Garlic Martini
Roasted Garlic on Toast
Garlic Soup
Garlic Chicken
Garlic Green Beans
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Garlic French Fries

Each type of meal was served very small. Most of it fit on one dinner plate and the soup in a soup bowl.

The next few entries will show the cooking and the final platter and results, of course!!!!!!


Welcome to my new blog. Here you will find information on garlic of course, and other items like: poker, sports, and other current events. I will kick off this post with writing about a challenge for a friend and I to eat 3 pound... yes, POUNDS of garlic. That to follow.